Pictured: Kindergartners at Reinhard Early Childhood Center gathered around for a close look at the chicks they cared for throughout December.
Photos courtesy of Bellmore Public Schools
Kindergartners in the Bellmore School District engaged in a memorable and exciting lesson throughout the month of December as they cared for chicken eggs and watched as chicks hatched from each one.

2) Students were ecstatic for the up-close experience.
Farmer Tom from Quiver Farms in Pennsylvania stopped by Reinhard Early Childhood Center on Dec. 5 to teach students about what it takes to hatch a chick. He brought viable eggs and learning visuals and showed teachers how to set up the incubators to ensure the eggs hatch. Kindergarten teachers taught students all about oviparous creatures, or egg layers, and the life cycle of a chick. As they counted each day anxiously awaiting the arrival of their feathered friends, they learned new vocabulary such as peep holes, shell, membrane, air cell, beak, feather and yolk so they can be Rising Star Leaders in science.

4) The engaging lesson involved students learning about every stage of a chick’s life.
On Dec. 11, the chicks began hatching. Rising Stars were able to quietly observe how the chick worked to exit the egg. They had fun naming them and watching their behavior as they became aware of their surroundings. Students created artwork and writing to remember this momentous learning unit. Farmer Tom returned on Dec. 14 to take the chicks back to grow on the farm.
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