Community News

Clavin, Carini Assist With Red Cross Mask Distribution!

Town of Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin and Councilman Christopher Carini joined today with representatives from the American Red Cross to accept the donation of 7,000 masks to be distributed to Hempstead Town’s at risk population, including Senior Center residents, veteran groups and special needs residents. Supporting the effort were Senior Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby,
Community News

Students Cheer For Lucky Ducks From A Distance

A first grade study of ducks in Donna Gianfortone’s class at Chippewa Elementary School in the Sachem Central School District didn’t slow down following the state-mandated school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to an Instagram account she started allowing her class to track the ducks’ progress. The Instagram account, Lucky Ducks of Chippewa, […]
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Senior Signs All Around The Town!

On Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Assistant Principal Jed Herman and ten teachers from Farmingdale High School went out into the community with 500 posters of the senior class of 2020 to ask various stores and businesses to place them in their windows. It’s one of the many ideas administrators are implementing to give graduating seniors […]
Community News

Most Hempstead Town Tennis and Pickleball Courts Re-Opening with ‘Singles Play Only’ & Safety Protocols

Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin and the Department of Parks and Recreation today announced that tennis and pickleball courts will re-open on Friday, May 15, 2020. The decision to re-open the courts was based on updated directives from the Governor’s stay-at-home orders and from town health officials. For the re-opening of most tennis and pickleball […]
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Dear Mom, I Love You!

The art of letter and card writing was an integral part of an English language art class at Winthrop Avenue School in Bellmore. Fourth grade teacher Christina Colletti’s students sharpened their letter writing skills by writing cards to their mothers for Mother’s Day. Ms. Colletti said the class has been responding to various writing prompts, […]