Pictured: Wildlife biologist Ranger Eric passed a stick bug off to Sylvan Avenue Elementary School student Abram P. during a presentation on the rain forest.
Photos courtesy of the Bayport-Blue Point School District
Sylvan Avenue Elementary School students vicariously traveled through the rain forest with wildlife biologist Ranger Eric, who lectured the students about the diversity of the rainforests and its wildlife and shared some of the animals a person would find there on their travels.

Alexander M., a student at Sylvan Avenue Elementary School, allowed a boa constrictor to climb on him like a tree under the supervision of Ranger Eric.
Ranger Eric first explained the dynamics of a rainforest, describing them as the most diverse places on earth in numbers and species. He spoke about the four layers of the terrain and the animals that live on each layer. The most exciting part of his presentation however, was when the students met a stick bug, a collard dove named Lovey, a tarantula, a boa constrictor and more.

Left, Sylvan Avenue Elementary School Principal Alane Dugan and Sylvan Avenue Elementary School students presented Ranger Eric and CEED a donation.
The students and principal Alane Dugan also presented Ranger Eric with a check totaling $219, raised through a clothes fundraiser to benefit The Center for Environmental Education and Discovery. Ranger Eric also received a certificate calling him a “good steward of the Earth” and for “helping to keep the planet green and educating us [Sylvan Avenue students] about the natural environment.”
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