Community News

STEAM Day Engages Birch School Community

Pictured: STEAM DAY coordinator and co-teacher Trish Germann with some pre-K students as they visited the science fair display.

Photo courtesy the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District

Birch School celebrated STEAM Day May 23, complete with a science fair walk-through, BreakoutEDU challenges, building competitions and more.

All students participated in various hands-on activities related to science, engineering, technology and art.

Co-teachers Trish Germann and Deb Vernice served STEAM Day coordinators.

“This year we had our first Birch Beaver Science Fair,” said Germann. “The fair showcased projects created by students that explored various aspects of beaver biology, behavior and ecological impact. It was a fun way to celebrate and learn more about our school mascot.”

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