The New York State Knights of Columbus has recently formed a new Parish based council in West Islip. The new council will be based out of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish located at 455 Hunter Avenue West Islip. During the preliminary meetings back in the fall of 2019, it was determined that the council will be named after the Parish, Our Lady of Lourdes Council N0. 17379. The Supreme Office in Hartford, CT assigns the Council number. The council starts with 47 founding members. Among them are 22 transfers from nearby councils, 20 new members, and 5 members that reapplied for their membership. NYS Deputy Walter J. Wych joined the council at their installation of Officers ceremony and personally installed Grand Knight, Raymond Mazzilli. Msgr. Brian J. McNamara Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes was installed as the Council Chaplain. Grand Knight Raymond Mazzilli will make member recruitment, fund raising, and assisting the Church with its ministries his priorities. The officers of the council were installed on January 13, 2020 at the Parish Center by 8th District Deputy Charles Shami. Grand Knights from the other councils in the 8th District, Guillermo Jimenes, St. Joseph the Carpenter, Robert Lodato, Our Lady of Grace and Leslie Small, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal were in attendance to show their support.
Knights of Columbus Forms New Council in West Islip

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