Pictured: John F. Kennedy Intermediate School’s student government sold candy canes to raising over $400 for Toys for Tots.
Photos courtesy of Deer Park School District
Students at Deer Park’s John F. Kennedy Intermediate School found creative ways to serve the community during December.
The school’s student government, led by advisers Darlene Matulich and Christine Musachio, sold candy canes for Toys for Tots, raising over $400 and purchasing many toys to help put smiles on children’s faces on Christmas. Meanwhile, five classes at JFK jointly sponsored a dog named Lambo from the Babylon Animal Shelter, collecting items that the shelter needed for Lambo’s care.

John F. Kennedy Intermediate School sponsored a dog named Lambo from the Babylon Animal Shelter.
“We taught our classes the importance of giving back during the holiday season,” teacher Heather Buksa said.
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