Community News

100 Years of the Right to Vote

This Women’s History Event has the unique privilege of welcoming New York State Attorney General, Hon. Letitia James, the first African-American and first woman elected to serve as Attorney General of the State of New York, as the distinguished Keynote Speaker. The Attorney General will share
Community News

MTAC Honors Coalition Members’ Dedication & Outreach To Prevent Opioid and Substance Misuse

Massapequa Takes Action Coalition recently acknowledged community members who have dedicated their time and energy to reduce opioid and substance misuse in the Massapequas. Nassau County Police Department POP (problem-oriented policing) Officers Steven Russell and Thomas Lively along with Dr. Mary Koslap-Petraco, were presented recognition awards at MTAC’s recent Steering
Community News

Division Avenue Students Serve Up Support

Members of Division Avenue High School’s PosiDiv club, advised by Grace Wheeler, showed their love and care this Valentine’s Day by making 1,300 sandwiches for the Mary Brennan INN soup kitchen in Hempstead. The INN helps feed those in need. The club members surpassed last year’s record of making 500 sandwiches. Students and staff actively […]