Community News

Town Hosts Succesful Oyster Bay Harbor Cleanup & Marine Education Expo

Oyster Bay Town Councilwoman Laura Maier recently attended the Town’s Spring Harbor Cleanup and Marine Education Expo at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay. Co-sponsored by the Friends of the Bay, the day offered individuals, families, companies and organizations an opportunity to help protect Mother Nature by removing litter from our shoreline and below.

“I was pleased to join with volunteers and numerous environmental organizations to help promote the importance of protecting our waterways and cleaning our shoreline,” Councilwoman Maier said. “This great event not only promotes awareness but also provides participants with hands on opportunities to make a true difference.”

Town Hosts Succesful Oyster Bay Harbor Cleanup & Marine Education Expo

This year’s Harbor Cleanup also featured our Marine Education Expo, where environmentalists and marine educators offered exhibits on local wildlife, ecosystem restoration projects, solutions to help tackle marine pollution, a marine vessel restoration project and boat yard tour, as well as family fun activities. More than 100 volunteers participated, with over 400 pounds of trash collected. To volunteer for future Town environmental events, please visit or call the Department of Environmental Resources at (516) 677-5943.

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