Ian McAlister became the 111th Eagle Scout of Boy Scout Troop 343 (Hauppauge) when he was given the Oath and Charge as an Eagle Scout on March 1, 2010 during the special Eagle Court of Honor, held at St. Thomas More R.C. Church. Earning 61 Merit Badge (far more than the required 22 merit badges for the highest rank in Boy Scouts), his Eagle Scout community service project was to fundraise and to lead others in building a Hay Barn for Hoyt Farm. With the help of Project Coach Assistant Scoutmaster Scott Vasile and leading 13 scouts and 3 adults in the construction, Eagle Scout McAlister measured, cut and nailed a Hay Barn for the community to enjoy. Many local children and schools come to the park to see the animals, and the Hay Barn/food storage shed allows the animals to stay at the park. The front porch can be used for photo opportunities. He is a Red Cross Lifeguard s member of the Hauppauge High School swim and track teams and in the National Honor Society The son of Eric and Rosemarie McAlister, the Hauppauge High School senior will be attending Clemson University (S.C.) in the fall, with plans for a career in Agriculture Mechanization .
The 111th Eagle Scout of Boy Scout Troop 343!

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