
Sweet Cookies For Your Sweetheart

Valentine’s Day presents an opportunity to shower loved ones with special gifts, including treats. Dessert is a significant component of Valentine’s Day, as chocolates and cakes are given and consumed in abundance. French macarons are a great sweet for amateur bakers to add to their Valentine’s Day repertoire. Making macarons often is a labor of […]

Valentine’s Day Indulgence Done Devilishly Right

If asked to describe the favored foods of Valentine’s Day in a single word, “decadent” might prove the most apt descriptor. Foodies and non-foodies alike recognize that Valentine’s Day and chocolate are intertwined, making the day an ideal time to indulge in something decadent. This Valentine’s Day, couples can share their love for decadent delights […]

Set A Romantic Tone With Cheesecake This Valentine’s Day

Romance is in the air come Valentine’s Day. Though chocolate, oysters and honey are often seen as aphrodisiacs, there is no evidence to back such perceptions up. However, Healthline reports that fenugreek, saffron, red ginseng, and pistachios might boast the properties often associated with aphrodisiacs. People have been eating pistachio nuts since 6,000 B.C. Pistachios