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Seaford Students Harbor Good Will Toward The Earth

Pictured: Fifth graders Jaxson Ishikawa, left, and Matthew Meenan, guided their kindergarten buddies Austin Portnoy and Brendan Barbaro through their paintings.

Photo courtesy of the Seaford School District

Seaford Harbor Elementary School students made a commitment together to help their planet. Kindergartners in Brooke DeSanto’s class were visited by their fifth grade buddies from Antonella Denk’s class for an Earth Day project on April 19.

The project was based on the Dr. Seuss book, “The Lorax,” which teaches children to treat the planet with kindness. Kindergartners read the book and watched the movie before they were visited by their older friends.

Together, kindergartners and fifth graders painted a globe, then added the face of the Lorax, the fictional character the book is named for. Each student then added a sentence explaining a way he or she can help the environment.

Throughout the school year, Ms. DeSanto’s and Ms. Denk’s students have been getting together twice a month for buddy activities. Often, they do crafts relating to holidays or seasons. Other times, students share their completed writing pieces with each other. Sometimes, they just grab a book and read together.

“The kindergartners look up to the fifth graders,” Ms. Denk said, “and the fifth graders love helping them.”

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