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Seaford Harbor Authors Go Digital

Photo courtesy of the Seaford School District

As Seaford Harbor Elementary School second graders began work on their nonfiction books, they had no idea how fun the project would become. Students in Krista Clark’s class not only became better writers, they also emerged more technologically savvy by using Book Creator for their final products.

Ms. Clark explained that creating a nonfiction “All About” book is an annual project for students through writer’s workshop, but the digital component was a new twist. Any project involving technology is appealing to her students, she added.

Each young author selected a topic of personal interest and did research to become on an expert on it. Popular subjects included animals, food, hobbies, holidays and sports. Every book had to be four chapters, meaning students had to find four unique areas of their topics to write about. The books also had to include different text features such as photos with captions, diagrams with labels, headings and a fun facts page.

Following their hard work researching, writing, editing and revising, students went to work in Book Creator. Their finished books were then compiled in a digital class library, and Ms. Clark also put QR codes in the hallway so anyone passing by could read the books on their devices.

“It was a great way to showcase their hard work and the skills they learned from writing nonfiction,” Ms. Clark said. “It was also a fun way for them to learn about different subjects from their classmates.”

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