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Northwell Health And JMF Sports Unite To Provide Medical Care To Long Island Youth

Northwell Health has partnered with JMF Sports to improve medical care and injury management for the youth and adult athletes participating in sports leagues on Long Island. This strategic alliance was designed to promote the safety and wellbeing of athletes while fostering a culture of proactive healthcare.

Northwell Health Sports Medicine athletic trainers will provide 30 hours of weekly medical coverage at the Island Garden in West Hempstead, New York to ensure player safety and serve as on-site navigators with management to coordinate immediate medical attention and follow-up care in the event of an emergency. In addition, the trainers will provide education on various topics related to health and wellness, fitness/performance programs and CPR training at both the Island Garden and Northsport Athletic Complex in Northport, New York.

Northwell Health And JMF Sports Unite To Provide Medical Care To Long Island Youth

“We are very excited about our professional relationship with JMF Sports at the Island Garden and Northsport athletic complexes,” said Nicholas Sgaglione, MD, chairman of the Northwell Department of Orthopedic Surgery, senior vice president for orthopedics and executive director of the Northwell Orthopedic Institute. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to provide the same level of care to high-level travel and recreational athletes as we do to our collegiate and professional athletes.”

“This relationship associates our facilities, clubs and activities with a top health care system in the region while ensuring our athletes will receive world class medical care from a team of certified athletic trainers” said Jim Fox, CEO and owner of JMF Sports. “Nothing is more important than the wellness and safety of all who participate in our various activities. We are extremely honored to be chosen to partner with Northwell Health and share a common objective of supporting Long Island’s — and the surrounding regions’ — youth through a blending of sports, health, injury prevention and wellness education.”

About 800,000 people visit JFM Sports facilities on an annual basis and approximately 10,000 athletic games are played each year. Children enjoy constructive activities and learn the value of teamwork, sportsmanship and dedication in a well- organized, clean and safe environment.

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