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Munchies And Math At Seaford Middle School

The Viking Café opened its doors at Seaford Middle School on Feb. 17 as a way for students to enhance their math skills. Seventh graders gathered in the cafeteria, which was transformed into a restaurant with green and white table clothes and servers.

Munchies And Math At Seaford Middle School

On the menu were beverages, muffins and snacks. Teachers came around to take orders and, after students noshed, to hand out the checks. The young mathematicians then had to tabulate their bills, first figuring out the discount from coupons they received, then adding in tax and tip.

Munchies And Math At Seaford Middle School

Math teachers Lisa Jones and Tom Hansen said the purpose of the Viking Café was to reinforce knowledge of percentages. Students were able to apply math in a real-world situation. At the end, a few students presented their bills to show their calculations and how they arrived at their totals.

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