Pictured: Harborfields High School’s jazz band performed at the district’s annual Jazz Cabaret Night.
Photos courtesy of Harborfields Central School District
Local veterans were recently honored at the Harborfields Central School District’s annual Jazz Cabaret Night, held at the Oldfield Middle School auditorium, honoring those who served and giving them the opportunity to talk about their service and reminisce. Following a dessert reception and welcoming remarks from
Superintendent Dr. Rory Manning and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Danielle DeLorenzo welcomed the vets to a dessert reception prior to the concert, which included performances of vintage standards by Harborfields High School’s vocal ensemble, directed by Clare Jackson, and the jazz band, directed by Dan Bilawsky and featuring SUNY Fredonia student teacher Devon Carnaxide.

Harborfields High School’s vocal ensemble performed at the district’s annual Jazz Cabaret Night.
“It’s such an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to perform for our local veterans at this annual event,” Bilawsky said. “We can never truly repay them for their sacrifices, since they’ve given so much of themselves for this country and to afford us the freedoms we enjoy. But this is one small way that we are able to show our great appreciation and say, ‘Thank you for your service.’”
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