Community News

Curran Expedites Nearly $18 Million in Federal Funds to Programs for Mental Health, Social Services, Substance Abuse Support, Vets, Seniors, Youth & More

Fulfilling her commitment to fast-track the release of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for enhanced community services, County Executive Curran announced that nonprofits and health and human service providers can now apply for grants – totaling in $17.9 million – through the County’s new online portal: This allotment is part the
Community News

Supervisor Clavin Unveils ‘Operation Clean Sweep’; Announces Rollout of Town’s Rolling Mobile Anti-Litter Crews to Downtowns

Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin was joined by members of the Town Board in front of Flowers by Mike in Oceanside to announce the implementation of Operation Clean Sweep – an initiative designed to improve the quality of life throughout America’s largest township with a focus on removing litter along roadways primarily in downtowns and […]