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Bayport-Blue Point Students Offer Fifth Graders A Glimpse Into Middle School Life

Pictured: Bayport-Blue Point’s fifth grade students participated in fun bonding activities such as the “run the bases” game.

Photo courtesy of Bayport-Blue Point School District

On June 7, Bayport-Blue Point School District’s fifth graders ventured to James Wilson Young Middle School for a fun and informational orientation.

Fifth grade students from all three of the district’s elementary schools, Academy Street, Sylvan Avenue and Blue Point, mixed and mingled for the first time. The event was put together by students in James Wilson Young Middle School’s superintendent’s council.

The fifth graders began the morning with some icebreaking field day games such as “capture the flag” and “run the bases” before heading inside the middle school for a thorough tour of the building. On the tour, students learned everything from what line to stand in for lunch to what electives are offered at the middle school level from their sixth to eighth grade guides. They even met and interacted with some of the middle school’s teachers and staff.

Superintendent’s council subcommittees led presentations at the elementary buildings, offering fifth graders a glimpse into the “day in the life of a middle schooler,” showing students more of what to expect next year.

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