Pictured: ABA students created a wall of art showing students’ true colors for Autism Awareness Month.
Photos courtesy Levittown Public Schools
Students in the ABA program at Abbey Lane Elementary School in the Levittown Public School District make regular visits to their peers in classrooms throughout the building to make special deliveries to elated customers.

On April 9, Abbey Lane Elementary students in the ABA program made a sale with their cart loaded with breakfast-inspired goods.
ABA students take orders from each classroom and make their way through the halls with carts filled with morning goodies, including bagels, coffee, muffins, fruits and yogurt. With their eclectic array of food and drinks, all breakfast needs of students and staff are met. Operation of the cart creates many opportunities for ABA students to interact with their peers and gain valuable experience in a practical role. All proceeds from the cart are used to benefit the ABA program. In April, Abbey Lane celebrates Autism Awareness Month, promoting the acceptance and inclusivity the community fosters every day. ABA students helped create a wall of art showing students’ true colors with words of positivity, such as support, respect and empower.
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