Community News

Massapequa Class of 2037 Arrives in Style and With Smiles

In the first of many milestone moments, kindergartners throughout the Massapequa School District entered their new schools on Sept. 5 for their first full day of class.

The excitement was building as children waited outside with their parents, ready for the doors to open. Once it was time, kindergartners were escorted to their rooms by teachers, staff and even older siblings. The few nervous faces quickly turned to smiles as they stepped into the bright and cheery kindergarten classrooms, were warmly greeted by their new teachers, and struck up conversations with classmates.

As is a Massapequa tradition, the first full day of kindergarten was held on the second day of the school year. The 498 youngsters across six elementary schools have officially begun a journey that will take them to high school graduation in 2037.

The first day was about finding their seats, learning classroom routines, unpacking supplies and doing some coloring. Over the coming months and years, they will evolve from mastering letters, numbers, shapes and colors to writing sentences and stories, solving math problems, exploring the world through hands-on inquiry and creating works of art.

“We are thrilled to welcome our new kindergartners to the family of leaders and learners here in Massapequa schools,” said Superintendent Dr. William Brennan, who visited several schools that morning. “With this important first step, each child has begun his or her own personal path to success. We can’t wait to see what the graduating Class of 2037 will accomplish over the next 13 years.”

 Photos courtesy of the Massapequa School District

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