Pictured: From left, Elizabeth Sill, wife of the late Greg Sill, and Ashley Marchese, Smithtown High School West social studies/special education teacher and athletics coach, at the second annual Greg Sill Foundation Golf outing. Photos courtesy of Smithtown CSD On July 24, more than 100 people
Pictured: On July 20, prekindergartners at Northeast Elementary School in Amityville participated in Water Activity Day at the school’s courtyard. Photo courtesy of the Amityville Union Free School District On July 20, prekindergartners at Northeast Elementary School in Amityville participated in Water Activity Day at the school’s courtyard. Students ran through
Over a dozen students age 11 to 14 are learning vital water safety and life-saving lessons through the Town’s Junior Lifeguard Program. The program helps provide students with the necessary training to complete the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Course offered to ages 15+, and will further them on the path to become one of our […]
Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino (pictured above, center) and Town Clerk Rich LaMarca (pictured below) recently supported a community blood drive hosted by the New York Blood Center in honor of two brave, young boys battling childhood cancer. The friends, Vinny and Jordan of Massapequa, approached the New York Blood Center to coordinate this […]
Photo courtesy of the South Central School District As part of ongoing professional development in the South Country School District, Bellport Middle School and High School ELA teachers and media specialists participated in a four-day educational session facilitated by Laurie Burke, a staff developer with the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia
Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and the Town Board announce a partnership with New York Blood Center to host a Blood Drive in honor of Bridget McElroy, who lost her battle to cancer at just 35-years old. A regular blood donor herself, it was Bridget’s wish for her family and friends to donate blood […]
Oyster Bay Town Councilman Lou Imbroto announces that a special New York Islanders ‘Learn to Play’ Hockey Clinic is returning to the Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center for children ages 5 – 9. Part of The Future Islanders Program, this ‘Learn to Play’ clinic introduces the game of hockey to young children and […]
Pictured: Superintendent Dr. William Brennan met with campers and counselors at the Summer Recreation program at Birch Lane Elementary School. Photos courtesy of the Massapequa School District It’s fun for all ages at Massapequa’s six elementary schools, where the Summer Recreation program is in full swing. Campers and counselors spend six hours a day together […]