Most of us are aware of the toll that the pandemic is having on humans around the country, and even around the world. Yet the economic impacts are being felt beyond humans. The animals are being impacted in numerous ways through this situation, leaving some animal rescue organizations to
The community of students, faculty and families of St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School provided lunch for the doctors, nurses and staff of Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip. “We are grateful for the sacrifices everyone on the front lines of this pandemic have made.” Said St. John’s Principal Mr. Biagio Arpino. “Providing lunch […]
The following press release is from the Connetquot Public Library: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Fred Rogers. From the Connetquot Public Library, we thank all of the helpers […]
The Kiwanis Club of Lindenhurst, NY, Inc., Restoration – Kitchen & Cocktails and Cieslaks Modern Bakery donated meals to feed 100 healthcare heroes at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center in West Islip, NY. Thank you to all the physicians, nurses and hospital staff for all you do for our community!
The North Babylon School District has been working hard to support the community during the COVID-19 closure by averaging more than 650 grab-and-go meal bags, creating 1,300 meals a day for any students in need. The district is also working with Island Harvest and has received more than 40 pallets of nonperishable and perishable food […]
Technology is helping students and teachers stay connected at Park Avenue Memorial Elementary School in the Amityville Union Free School District, as learning continues in virtual classrooms. All students were provided with Chromebooks to support distance learning. Principal Robyn Santiago said the devices, which were already available for every fourth, fifth and sixth
For Merrick resident Kimberly Towers, it wasn’t enough that she and her employees at Runway Couture dress shop donated 1,500 medical masks to hospital workers. She wanted to do something to lift the spirits of her community while also displaying the talents of her son and his classmates at Birch Elementary School in Merrick. These […]
There were no hugs or handshakes because of social distancing guidelines, but teachers and staff from Newbridge Road Elementary School in the North Bellmore School District still found a way to say goodbye to two students who are moving out of state. Fourth grader Maya Ransom and her brother, Cash, a second grader, will be […]