Pictured: Students from Wantagh High School’s Science Olympiad team, with adviser Rich Colavita, spend time afterschool several days a week preparing for the upcoming regional competition on Feb. 3. Photos courtesy of the Wantagh School District Aspiring scientists from eastern Nassau County
Pictured: Bethpage students in the Argonaut Program looked at the genetic mutations of fruit flies during their visit to the Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning Center. Photos courtesy of the Bethpage Union Free School District Central Boulevard, Charles Campagne and Kramer Lane elementary school students in the Bethpage Union Free School District’s Argonaut Program visited
Photo courtesy of Copiague School District Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School senior Kemmora Simmons has been named a semifinalist in the 2024 Regeneron Science Talent Search. The Society for Science announced the top 300 students in the Regeneron Talent Search. Each scholar and their school will be awarded $2,000. On Jan. 24, 40 students […]
Pictured: Nolan Auyeung and Hana Kwok. Photo courtesy of the Merrick Union Free School District. Two Chatterton students were accepted into the Institute of Creative Problem Solving for Gifted and Talented Students, a program for talented mathematicians looking to challenge themselves and learn math beyond what is taught in the classroom. Held at SUNY Old […]
Photo courtesy of the Seaford School District The weather outside was sunny and slightly warm for January. But inside Amy Hechler’s fourth grade class at Seaford Manor Elementary School, there was talk of rain, wind, thunder and more. Students wrapped up a nonfiction writing unit that focused on extreme weather. Each group wrote a newsletter […]
Photo courtesy of the South Country Central School District Kindergarten students at Brookhaven Elementary School in the South Country Central School District were all smiles as they played their way through imagination centers geared toward developing their language skills and creating authentic experiences that they can write about as part of their upcoming writing unit.
Pictured: Social studies teacher David Cippoletti read questions at Wantagh Middle School’s annual Geography Bee on Jan. 11. Photos courtesy of the Wantagh School District Wantagh Middle School students brought their knowledge of 197 million square miles to the annual Geography Bee on Jan. 11, where they competed for school champion. The championship featured 20 […]
Pictured: North Merrick families enjoyed a variety of relaxing activities at the Mindfulness Retreat on Jan. 11, including colorfully designed pinwheels. Photo courtesy of North Merrick Union Free School District As part of the North Merrick School District’s commitment to mental health and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, it hosted its second annual