Community News

Jefferson’s Ferry Donates $3500 in Merchandise and Dash Donation to Town of Brookhaven Youth Bureau Interface Program

Residents of Jefferson’s Ferry life plan community resoundingly answered the call for holiday donations from the Town of Brookhaven’s Youth Bureau INTERFACE Program, which distributes toys, games, sports equipment and warm winter accessories to children in need. Jefferson’s Ferry residents Art Romita, Pat Boone and Louise Grinere wasted no time in
Community News

Thousands of Oysters Enter Harbor Rather than Land on Restaurant Dinner Plates Due to COVID Impact on Restaurants

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Councilman Lou Imbroto and Town Clerk Richard LaMarca today joined with The Nature Conservancy, Pew Charitable Trusts, and Friends of the Bay to provide an early holiday gift to Mother Nature as 50,000+ surplus commercially-grown oysters were entered into the harbor. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the shuttering […]
Seasonal Featured

Identify Winter Birds In Backyards

Birds flittering around the neighborhood are a common sight during spring and summer, and these welcome guests can be enjoyable to observe as they nest, feed and interact. When the weather cools in fall and winter, many birds seek out warmer climates, but a good number of these feathered friends stick around. Certain birds can […]