Seasonal Featured

Tips For Traveling With Gifts In Tow

“There’s no place like home for the holidays.” The popular Christmas tune says it best, and millions of people support that notion every year by heading back to their hometowns to spend the holidays with friends and family. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics points out that the Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year’s holiday periods are some […]
Seasonal Featured

Toy Buying Tips When Shopping For Kids

Shopping for gifts for kids makes many shoppers nostalgic for their own childhoods. Few adults can forget the joy of finding the perfect gift under the tree on Christmas morning. Recreating that magic for a youngster can be as joyous for gift givers as it is for kids. That’s especially so when shoppers make it […]
Community News

Commack High School Honored In Washington D.C.

Administrators and board members from the Commack School District attended the 2021 National Blue Ribbon Schools Award Ceremony in Washington, D.C. in recognition of Commack High School earning National Blue Ribbon status. The district was notified last month of the high school’s selection in a letter received from the U.S. Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona. […]