Community News

Legislator Koslow Brings Homeowner Exemption Liaison Program (HELP) Tax Exemption Event Series to North Bellmore

Photo Credit: Office of Legislator Seth I. Koslow Nassau County Legislator Seth I. Koslow (D – Merrick) partnered with the Nassau County Department of Assessment to bring the Homeowner Exemption Liaison Program (HELP) to the North Bellmore Public Library on Wednesday, July 31 delivering personalized service to more than 40 homeowners seeking assistance with their […]
Seasonal Featured

How Families Can Get Ready For A New School Year

Children will soon be trading in the chimes of neighborhood ice cream trucks for the bells of school as summer vacation gives way to the start of a new academic year. August through September is prime back-to-school season, with children all across the country stocking their backpacks and shopping for new school wardrobes. There is […]
Seasonal Featured

Back To School Supplies Checklist

As summer draws to a close, millions of students are preparing to return to school. Some may be excited to return so they can see their friends again each day, while others may lament the loss of carefree days under the warm summer sun. Regardless of which category students fall into, all will need the […]
Seasonal Featured

Families Can Make The Most Of Summer’s End

It seems like just yesterday people were heralding the arrival of summer. After many months of fickle weather, summer’s warm temperatures and ample sunshine can be that hug from Mother Nature people need. But soon summer will be coming to an end, making room for apples, corn and pumpkin spice. Even though summer will soon […]