Hosting Thanksgiving is a large undertaking that can put some hosts under pressure. Unlike some other holidays that are less food-focused, Thanksgiving is largely about the meal. Turkey is the centerpiece of the celebration, and any guests who come over are going to expect turkey and a number
Preparing Thanksgiving dinner for a houseful of close friends and relatives can be a tad overwhelming. Thanksgiving is a food- and tradition-centric holiday, and all eyes will are typically on the dinner table. Pulling off a feast of this magnitude — multiple courses, side dishes and desserts — takes considerable effort. These tips, tricks and […]
Turkey is the centerpiece of Thanksgiving dinners. The National Turkey Federation estimates approximately 46 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving each year, followed by 22 million turkeys at Christmastime. Turkey makes a pleasing picture on the dinner table. However, some people insist that turkey is their least favorite component of the Thanksgiving meal. One of
Photo courtesy of Copiague School District History came to life on the faces of pumpkins thanks to Advanced Placement U.S. History students at Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School on Oct. 27. Juniors in Dr. Allison Weller’s class came together after school in the courtyard to recreate historical events or historical figures on their pumpkins. […]
Pictured: Bethpage students from Kramer Lane Elementary School dressed in their best Halloween costumes for Halloween at the Field. Photos courtesy of the Bethpage Union Free School District The Bethpage community gathered to celebrate this year’s spooky season at Halloween at the Field on Oct. 27. The Bethpage High School Parent Teacher Student Association hosts […]
Pictured: Smithtown High School East held it’s homecoming game against Newfield High School on Oct. 28. Photos courtesy of Smithtown CSD From the pep rally to the homecoming parade to Smithtown High School East’s 28-0 win over Newfield, homecoming weekend was a smash for the Bulls. Students, families, staff and community members turned out on […]
Pictured: Charles Campagne fifth grader Ailin Tian with her Be Kind to Your Mind Toolkit. Photos courtesy of the Bethpage Union Free School District Students throughout the Bethpage Union Free School District celebrated Red Ribbon Week from Oct. 23-27. Red Ribbon Week is the country’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign and Bethpage students embraced
Pictured: Sachem North students lined the outside of the building with encouraging signs as they waited for their special guest, Tenzin, to arrive. Photos courtesy of the Sachem Central School District Students and staff at Sachem High School North created an unforgettable experience for a 9-year-old pediatric cancer patient named Tenzin through a “bridging rooms […]